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CAIS Conference 2019

Sonntag, 16.06.2019

Von 13. - 16. Juni 2019 fand in Orvieto die jährliche Konferenz der Canadian Association for Italian Studies statt. Über 180 Vorträge und Diskussionen gestalteten das Programm. Wir waren mit einem Vortrag mit dem Titel I Media di lingua italiana durante la monarchia asburgica e la loro influenza sull’ambito socioculturale tra il 1784 e il 1792 vertreten.


CAIS Conference 2019

Sunday, 16 June 2019

The annual conference of the Canadian Association for Italian Studies took place in Orvieto between 13 and 16 June 2019. The programme comprised over 180 presentations. We contributed a talk entitled “Media di lingua italiana durante la monarchia asburgica e la loro influenza sull’ambito socioculturale tra il 1784 e il 1792” (“Italian-Language Media during the Habsburg Monarchy and their Influence on the Socio-Cultural Sphere between 1784 and 1792”).

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